
Showing posts from April, 2021

Today the greatest single source of wealth is between your ears.

  “Today the greatest single source of wealth is between your ears.” —Brian Tracy Rich people reason being wealthy is their right, whereas the middle-class person reason being wealthy is an opportunity. Outstanding thinkers believe it is important to be rich in a capitalist country ready to generate immense value for people. Common people associate attaining wealth with being lucky. The dissimilarly in thinking drives common people to betting games and outstanding thinkers to work. Wealthy people goals and makes other peoples life efficient or better and in return, they will get rich. Rich people know the fastest way to create money is to start a business, whereas the common person grasps starting a business is hazardous. The safety of having a job does not far off exceed owning a business. Self-employed people have the freedom to pursue business and increase proceeds liberally enthusiastically. Starting a business involves taking risks, but outstanding thinkers distinguish the major r