How to become a good friend

The benefits of having friends are to boost self-confidence, reduce stress, help in maneuvering through hard times, and help in choosing good healthy lifestyles. Issues like high blood pressure, increased body mass indexes, mental health issues, and blood pressure tend to affect people with a vast number of friends.


Examples of how to become a good friend.


1. Be a good listener- People when they talk like to feel that they have been heard. Listen without interrupting your friend.


2. Be respectful- Most friendships are based on mutual respect. Be truthful about how you feel and never vital information from your friend.


3. Be supportive- Be supportive when your friend is not feeling well. You can support your also when they are embarking on a new idea.


4. Embrace the differences- It is normal for friends to have different hobbies, and likes. Friends embrace the different interests one has and encourage each other despite their differences.


5. Be trustworthy- Good friends are honest and keep private information a secret.


6. Create time- When you have a friend they become part of your life thus you have to create time to spend together.


7. Feel good. A good friend says nice things, gives compliments and lifts one spirit.















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